As a licensed massage therapist, Autumn believes in using a holistic approach to address her client’s individual needs. In listening to her client’s concerns, she’s able to adjust her methods and tailors their session to best promote change and healing. She loves the challenge, but most of all, she loves connecting with people. With over 20 years of experience, she still enjoys the opportunity to help ease other people’s pain. Always eager to broaden her skills, she loves learning new modalities so she can continue to grow her practice and hone her talent for helping people feel better.

Growing up, Autumn spent her summers in Frankfort riding four wheelers and fishing with her family. She’s always loved Northern Michigan and it felt like the natural place to raise kids. In her down time, she can be found hiking and biking local trails, working in her garden, hanging out with her kids, or making special-request meals for her family and loved ones.